Friday, February 7, 2014

Weights and Metabolism

When trying to lose body fat, lot of people make the mistake of going all out on the cardio and neglecting the weights. Weights are important for many reasons. First, when we gain muscle, our bodies need more calories to maintain our body weight. In other words, lean muscle requires more calories to fuel than fat (which takes up more space). That is why we see a well muscled guy or girl, sit down to a big meal and never seem to worry about gaining a pound. Most of us can gain weight standing next to an apple and breathing. Okay, that was a gross exaggeration on my part, but you get my point.

Adding muscle ensures a lean physique at the end of our weight loss journey. A friend's mother lost about 60 lbs. She was always pear shaped. When she lost the weight, she didn't look much different. She simply looked like a smaller pear. Adding lean muscle, ensures your body will continue to burn fat, even in your "target" areas.

Lean muscle helps to reduce the jiggle. Ever hear of the old joke? "Her arm keeps waving ten minutes after she does?" A lot of the dangle-age is a result of rapid weight loss leaving one with loose skin. Most people who weight train avoid the jiggle.

Bill Phillips recommends the following regimen. I'm using a Monday through Saturday schedule with Sundays as a day off. Or if you'd like you can add Sunday as an extra day of cardio.

Monday - Upper Body Workout (UBWO)
On my upper body workout days, I work my chest, arms, shoulders and back.

Tuesday - Cardio
30 minutes of cardio. You can use the treadmill, elliptical trainer, running, a game of squash... your choice!

Wednesday - Lower Body Workout (LBWO)
On my lower body workout days, I work my legs, quads, waist and abs.

Thursday - More cardio.
Bored with the treadmill. Nothing on TV at 5 A.M. Squash anyone?

Friday -  Upper Body Workout (UBWO)

Saturday - Cardio
Still not sold on the squash? There's always Saturday morning cartoons and the treadmill.

The following week, you will do your Lower Body Workout (LBWO) on Monday and Friday and your Upper Body Workout (UBWO) on Wednesday. Cardio will stay on the same days - adding to the boredom.

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