Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What Is Your Why?

One way to stay motivated to stick to your program is to determine your "why". Why do you want to shed some weight? Is it for health reasons? Do you want to fit into your favorite jeans? Are you wanting to go back to your "hunting" weight? Determining your biggest "why" or "whys", will help keep you focused and stay motivated. Write down ten of your biggest reasons for wanting to get into better shape. Write whatever comes to mind. Your list could look like this:

1. Look great in a swimsuit at my in-laws beach house on Cape Cod
2. Lose thirty pounds for my twenty year high school reunion.
3. Husband is complaining I'm not the person he married.
4. Feeling overtired, worn-out and just plain grumpy.
5. Can't keep up with the kids.
6. My friends are all so fit and trim. I hate them!
7. I don't look "right" in fashionable clothes.
8. I look at my pictures and I cringe.
9. I'm just not comfortable in my skin.
10. I'm hungry all the time and have mood swings.

This list was similar to my list. Except the hubby and kids part. I'm not married, nor am I a parent. So if this is what your list looks like, let's break it down. In this example, the woman wants to lose weight to impress or gain the approval of others. Secondly, she doesn't feel comfortable in her own skin and comparing herself to others. She's also feeling hungry, lethargic and has low energy. To sum it up, her "why" would be to feel good about myself, have more energy and be more active.

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