Thursday, April 23, 2015

10 Things That Happen When You Get In Shape

Here are some amazing things that happen as we travel along our road to fitness. You don't have to arrive at your goal weight or achieve your black belt before you enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Some of these perks start to happen as soon as you begin your journey!

1. You have more energy - Exercise and a healthy diet enhances the blood flow carrying oxygen and nutrients to muscle tissue improving their ability to produce more energy.

2. You look better in clothes - You've heard the old adage, "muscle weighs more than fat", but the reality is, muscle takes up less space than fat, giving you a slimmer appearance. The best news is, it takes more energy to sustain a body with more muscle mass.

3. You sleep better - The quality of sleep does improve when you perform regular physical activity. Your mental clarity is also improved during the day. When I wasn't exercising, I would have that "foggy" feeling more often than not. At 3:00 pm, I used to run to the coffee pot. Not anymore!

4. You are more confident and you carry yourself better -You look better and feel better. This shows on the way you walk, talk and interact with others. People begin to treat you better.

5. People begin to follow you to the gym - With your new found confidence, people will wonder what you're doing. When I first started my healthy eating program and getting up at 5:00 am to go to the gym, my friends, family and coworkers could only comment on how "hard" it would be to make those changes in their lives. Now, they've seen my results and they are asking about my eating habits and workout routines.

6. You begin to love healthy foods - You will want to eat what's good for you and in turn, you will feel better. You may never want to go back to your old ways.

7. You can listen to what your body’s telling you - When you treat your body like a trash can, you quell your body's "voice". Once you start eating healthy, some foods don't taste as good as they used to. You will start to crave the good stuff that will keep you healthy. Your body will be more aware when you haven't had enough sleep or you're getting a cold.

8. Endorphins, the feel good hormone - When you exercise, your body produces endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in the body. The feeling that follows workout is often described as "euphoric." That feeling, known as a "runner's high,"  comes with a positive outlook on life.

9. You want to do “right” by your body - You won't want to miss a workout. You may begin to exercise in the morning if you don't know how the rest of your day will shake out. I was never a morning person. I started working out in the morning, because I never knew when I would be asked to stay late at work or my commute was going to be longer than usual. Now my mornings aren't complete without my hour at the gym.

10. You'll feel a great sense of accomplishment - With your morning workout "out of the way", you'll be ready to tackle any situation that may come up at your job. You'll keep a cooler head, during your commute and you'll simply carry that confidence in all your encounters - which could only help you get that promotion!

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