Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Skinny for summer? How about fit for life?

Throughout most of my adult life, one of my main concerns was "taking it off for summer". No, I'm not taking about my top, I'm talking about the ten to fifteen pounds I had "put on" during the winter months of hibernation. This became a habit of yo-yo dieting, which wrecked my metabolism. The older I got, the harder it became to maintain my ideal weight. 

A body without much muscle will not burn as many calories as one with lean muscle, simply because muscle requires more calories to sustain it. Before I discovered weight training, I had my share of "trouble spots", such as hips, thighs and belly. I would try to "spot reduce" and would end up losing valuable muscle instead. When we practice muscle inducing exercise and eat properly, our bodies take care of themselves. The "trouble spots" seem to go away and you're left with a nice sleek form with curves in the right places. 

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