Thursday, June 4, 2015

10 Ways To Get And Stay Motivated

Having trouble staying motivated? Here are ten useful tips.

1. Create a fitness vision board. 
I pasted photos of bodies I would like to have and some of myself when I was younger and fitter. 

2. Hang a "target outfit" in plain view.
I hung a pair a jeans that no longer fit on the back of my bedroom door. Seeing these jeans everyday and imagining myself wearing them helps to keep me inspired.

3. Post motivational quotes in key areas in your home. 
I posted many motivational quotes throughout my home, including my refrigerator. Keep these quotes positive and you will always feel inspired. I remember my friend's mother had a refrigerator magnet with a picture of a very large woman with the caption "keep out!" While this is humorous, this did little to inspire my friend's mom to lose the unwanted pounds. Reminders that "you can do it!" will help you to show up for yourself everyday.

4. Pack your gym bag the night before. 
Having one less thing to do in the morning will eliminate the excuse of being too rushed to pack a gym bag. Put your gym bag by the door, so it will be ready to go.

5. Pack a nutritious lunch and snacks the night before.
Packing a delicious, nutrient rich, colorful lunch and putting it in the fridge the night before will eliminate the temptation to forgo the morning preparation and "grab something" on the go.

6. Pick out a colorful, fun outfit to wear to the gym. If you work out in the morning, set your gym apparel out the night before (and as I mentioned, have your work outfit packed in your bag and waiting for you by the door). Seeing a vibrant, colorful set of gym clothes will brighten your mood.

7. Make it a habit to do a morning meditation.
It doesn't have to take too much time. Five or ten minutes of deep breathing, with a meditation mantra can help you get motivated. There are plenty of meditations on You Tube and many of these channels carry downloadable mp3's.

8. Grab a workout buddy.
Having an accountability partner or hiring a trainer will help you stay on track. If you don't don't show up, you're not only letting yourself down, you're letting your friend down.

9. Schedule your workout when it's easiest for you.
If you're not a morning person, no matter how many articles you read on the pro's of a morning workout, it won't be very effective, because you won't show up on a consistent basis.

10. Make your workout FUN!
Doing activities you love makes the prospect more enticing. Remember, you'll be working out for a very long time, so you might as well enjoy it!

Your Best Body - A Matter of Choice

Yes, your best body is a matter of choice! Isn't that great news? Because when you leave your shape up to chance, you will end up with whatever mother nature decided to give you. I always had saddle bags and a stomach. No matter how many sit-ups I did or how many miles I ran, I could not lose the fat in the "trouble spots". An article that had been released letting us know there was no such thing as "spot reducing" sent me into a teary tailspin. Couple all that cardio with a micro-calorie diet and I was setting myself up for failure.

It wasn't until I discovered weight lifting that I began to see changes in my body. Right now, I'm a work in progress and I promise to post before and after pictures soon. I lift weights three days a week and do some form of cardio three days a week.  I am eating a clean diet with no bleached flour or "white" carbs, no excess sugar, lots of proteins and plenty of veggies. I also began a nutritional cleansing program. Why the cleansing program? Because we ingest toxins every single day - from the foods we eat, the products we use and the air we breathe. Our bodies have a defense mechanism against toxins and that is called "fat". Yes, our fat cells grow to protect our organs from being contaminated with these impurities. As you cleanse and eat a healthy diet, these cells eventually shrink. If you want to know more about cleansing, fill out the contact form to the right of this article. I will be more than happy to assist you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Skinny for summer? How about fit for life?

Throughout most of my adult life, one of my main concerns was "taking it off for summer". No, I'm not taking about my top, I'm talking about the ten to fifteen pounds I had "put on" during the winter months of hibernation. This became a habit of yo-yo dieting, which wrecked my metabolism. The older I got, the harder it became to maintain my ideal weight. 

A body without much muscle will not burn as many calories as one with lean muscle, simply because muscle requires more calories to sustain it. Before I discovered weight training, I had my share of "trouble spots", such as hips, thighs and belly. I would try to "spot reduce" and would end up losing valuable muscle instead. When we practice muscle inducing exercise and eat properly, our bodies take care of themselves. The "trouble spots" seem to go away and you're left with a nice sleek form with curves in the right places.